Celebrating Samuel

Meet Samuel and Olianada. Samuel, a 4:13 Strong graduate, stopped by the campus a few weeks ago to share some good news. He’s married! It’s not every day at 4:13 Strong we get the chance to celebrate a marriage.

The two of them spent time with us and shared some incredible moments from the past few months. Their stories reminded us, while we may feel the world is out of our control, we can trust it is in God’s hands.

Samuel and Olianada were on their way to a church event when they got caught near one of the devastating tornadoes earlier this year. After being pushed off the road and into a pole, they were able to find shelter and finally make it to their destination, where they were celebrated by their church family. Feeling so blessed by this experience, Samuel accepted Christ the same night.

Samuel and Olianada spoke on the financial burden the pandemic has caused them as well. Referencing his 4:13 Strong experience, he explained how important his financial training has been to him during this trying time.

Despite the challenges of 2020 for themselves and most of the world, Samuel and Olianada remain hopeful, thankful, and excited to pursue their lives together. Samuel is an example of the men who take advantage of their second chance, graduate from our program, and become better husbands, fathers, and leaders in their communities.

Congratulations to Samuel and Olianada from the 4:13 Strong community!