A Note from The President | F3 Workouts

What a privilege it is to be part of 4:13 Strong and see first-hand how God is changing men’s lives and impacting families. One of the things I love about 4:13 Strong is seeing how perfect God’s timing is. He always provides the right people at the right time to help us meet not only the needs we have but those that we don’t yet know about.

This past week, a group of 21 men from Fitness, Fellowship and Faith (F3) gathered on the 4:13 Strong campus at 5:30 am on Thursday to work out with the newest 4:13 Strong class. This is one of those needs that falls into the category of “not knowing about.” If you had asked me if this was something that 4:13 Strong needed, I would have said no – and now I know I would have been very wrong.

It was an amazing sight to see 21 men surround this new group of 4:13 Strong guys and spend time with them, challenge them, and encourage them. For 45 minutes there were no racial differences and no socio-economic differences. Individual backgrounds didn’t matter one bit. We were just a bunch of men pushing each other to work harder and do better.

At the end of the workout, something happened that really brought it all home for me. There we were, a bunch of men dripping in sweat, gasping for air and asking how we can pray for each other. After several of the men raised payer requests, one of the new 4:13 Strong guys jumped in with his prayer request, “Pray for me that I can learn what it means to be a real man.” What a simple yet honest prayer request. In fact, isn’t that what all men should really be praying for? So many of the things our society struggles with today could be eliminated if men understood what it meant to be a real man and embraced the responsibilities of biblical manhood. It really doesn’t matter what part of town a man lives in, what he does for a living, or what things are in his past. In the end, all that really matters is that he is working to become the man that God intended for him to be.

I am so thankful for the way the men of F3 showed up and impacted the 4:13 Strong guys. All men are welcome to join us each Thursday at 5:30 am on the 4:13 Strong campus for a time of fitness, fellowship and faith at our F3 workouts. You can also join us Friday at 7:15 am for a study of The Four Pillars of a Man’s Heart by Stu Weber. Check out our events for details.


Steve Norris 

President, 4:13 Strong