Support our men as they work toward achieving their full potential.
Volunteer ApplicationIf you are passionate about helping men in Nashville build the skills they needed to become better men, get involved with 4:13 Strong. We have a variety of volunteer opportunities available.
Provide dinner on Thursday evenings for our current class of men in the 40 Day Challenge or our working men during the second phase of the program. You can prepare a homemade meal in your kitchen or order takeout — it’s up to you. Our guys always appreciate a tasty, nutritious meal that is prepared by someone else! Plan to stick around and eat with them because they love the fellowship.
Each Friday we invite a man from the community to join us for lunch and share their story. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, you have a story that is worth sharing. The 4:13 Strong guys are interested in hearing about how other men make money, what other men struggle with, and what they do for fun. We provide the lunch, so all you need to do is show up and share. If interested in being a lunch and learn guest, contact [email protected].
End your week with some fun and games. Friday nights are the time to play. There is no set agenda, just basketballs, board games and cards. Some of the best mentoring happens on the basketball court or while holding a handful of cards. For more information, contact [email protected].
Each Tuesday morning during the 40-Day Challenge, we meet at 5:30am for a three-mile run. Our goal is to be able to complete the three miles in under 30 minutes by the end of the 40-Day Challenge. We do run/walk intervals with the duration of the run interval gradually increasing throughout the 40 days.
Come out and join us for an early morning workout. F3 converges on the 4:13 Strong campus each Thursday morning from 5:30-6:15am, rain or shine, to lead the 4:13 Strong guys in a fun but challenging workout. This is a great way to encourage the 4:13 Strong men, improve your fitness level, and build some new male friendships. Stick around for coffee and fellowship after the workout.
We meet on Monday evenings at 6:30pm to study what it means to be a Better Man. Using material developed by Robert Lewis (the creator of Men’s Fraternity), we will explore what it takes to become better men. The format for this study will be a large group message followed by a small group discussion. Each participant will be provided a workbook for the series. Please email Steve to join.
Friday mornings from 7:30am – 9:00am we gather on our campus to study what the Bible says about being a “real man.” We follow a curriculum based on the Men’s Fraternity study. This is a great opportunity to spend some time with other men encouraging each other as we all work to become the men that God has called us to be. If we let us know you are coming, we will have coffee and breakfast ready for you.
We invite volunteers gifted in various skills related to getting and maintaining a job in the construction industry to assist with job preparation. Volunteers are needed as math tutors, resume-writing assistants, interviewers on mock interview panels, wood-workers, and computer skills instructors. Volunteers can serve on an ongoing basis or as one-time supporters. These opportunities are typically scheduled between 10:00-11:30 or 3:00-5:00 during the week.
Volunteers who can facilitate a variety of life skills classes are needed to help prepare 4:13 Strong men for living independently. We are seeking individuals who can lead cooking, meal planning, and organizational classes. Volunteers can serve on an ongoing basis or as one-time supporters. These opportunities are typically scheduled between 10:00-11:30 or 3:00-5:00 during the week.
We are seeking men who can serve as mentors who can meet weekly with one of the men who has completed the 40 Day Challenge and has entered the working phase of the program. The mentoring schedule is flexible to the needs of the mentor and mentee but will likely be after our men get home from work (5pm or later). Mentor training will be provided.
Sign up to volunteer at 4:13 Strong. Not sure where you fit in? Start here and we’ll get you plugged in.