We’re Thankful | A Note From The President

I think most people are ready for 2020 to end. This year has certainly delivered a number of unexpected and largely
unpleasant surprises. But in the midst of the gloom of 2020, 4:13 Strong has found a couple of really bright spots.
In April, we made the decision to take our annual in-person fundraising event to a virtual event. This was unfamiliar
territory for us, and we were very nervous about all aspects of going virtual. Will the technology work? Will our
message come across? Will people tune in and donate? It turns out, we had nothing to worry about.

The technology worked perfectly, we got great feedback on the message, and we had over 2,600 people tune in to
hear the mission of 4:13 Strong. In the end, our virtual fundraiser helped us raise more awareness and more money
than our traditional in-person event. It became our beacon of light reminding us of the possibilities as we came
across new challenges the rest of the year.

A big part of what makes 4:13 Strong work is the men who volunteer to mentor and encourage the 4:13 Strong guys
on their journey. With recommendations to shelter in place and limit exposure to other people, we worried about
what would happen with our volunteers, and in turn, our men. Yet again, we were surprised by the result. 2020 was
our best year yet in terms of volunteer and mentor support. We averaged 35 men volunteering more than 50 hours
every week of the program. This is more than double the volunteer support we experienced prior to this year.

As I try to make sense of why these challenges became blessings, I can only arrive at one answer…prayer! Given how
unfamiliar and out of control this year felt, I spent more time praying over these details than in years past. God
delivered in a big way! What a great reminder that God can accomplish significantly more than we might ask or think.
As this year comes to an end and we begin planning for 2021, I am reminded to continue inviting God into the middle
of our work at 4:13 Strong. Whether we are in the midst of a global pandemic or the stresses of everyday life, prayer
lights up the dark and God makes all things possible.

I would like to invite you to join us in praying for 4:13 Strong by joining our Prayer Team. Two to three times each
month we will email the Prayer Team specific prayer requests for our men and suggestions for how to pray for the
program. We also need volunteers who will use their time and talents to walk beside our men, and generous donors
to financially invest in building stronger men, families and communities. Please give or reach
out to me at steve@413strong.com if you’d like to know more.

Steve Norris
President, 4:13 Strong